Prompt Engineer - Zenith Platform Rebuild - Offshore


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    - Full Time

    Posted on: 18 August, 2024

    Prompt Engineer - Zenith Platform Rebuild - Offshore

    DayToDay Responsbilities: - Develop, test, and optimize prompts for AI models to ensure high-quality, contextually appropriate outputs. Experiment with various prompt structures, inputs, and techniques to enhance performance and reliability of language models. - Collaborate with AI engineers and data scientists to fine-tune and customize AI models based on prompt engineering insights. Analyze model behavior in response to different prompts and implement adjustments to improve model accuracy and relevance. - Leverage deep understanding of NLP techniques to craft prompts that effectively guide AI models. Ensure prompts are designed to handle diverse linguistic variations, including tone, style, and context. - Work with product teams to understand specific use cases and tailor prompts to meet business requirements. Design prompts for various applications, including chatbots, virtual assistants, content generation, and more. - Develop metrics and methodologies to evaluate the effectiveness of prompts in producing desired outcomes. Conduct rigorous testing to assess prompt performance across different scenarios and datasets. - Collaborate with UX/UI teams to ensure AI-driven interactions are intuitive, user-friendly, and aligned with user expectations. Continuously improve prompts based on user feedback and real-world performance. - Maintain comprehensive documentation of prompt engineering processes, methodologies, and best practices. Must Have: - Natural Language Processing (NLP) Expertise - Prompt Engineering - Machine Learning and AI - Programming and Scripting - Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills - Communication and Collaboration - Testing and Evaluation

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