Prompt Engineer


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    ArtPark - I-Hub for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Innovation Foundation

    ArtPark - I-Hub for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Innovation Foundation

    - Full Time

    Posted on: 19 August, 2024

    Prompt Engineer

    ARTPARK is seeking Prompt Engineers to build and fine-tune Large Language Models (LLMs) and collaborate with the Director of Machine Learning and engineering team, ensuring the models serve social good. The role involves developing, testing, and refining AI behavior, designing experiments to evaluate AI systems, and documenting the process. Required skills include familiarity with LLMs and a focus on data model evaluation, while useful skills include experience with GPT-4 and cloud services like AWS, GCP, and Azure. The position emphasizes working within a mission-driven team, contributing to open-source projects, and staying updated with AI advancements.

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